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What is a profit calculator?

Profit calculator is a simple tool designed to help you calculate your potential profits and losses depending on the outcome of the trade. Profit calculator is a simple tool designed to help you calculate your potential profits and losses depending on the outcome of the trade. Profit Calculator | FXTM HELP CENTRE CONTACT US OPEN ACCOUNT LOGIN ABOUT

What is a forex profit calculator?

A forex profit calculator is a tool used by forex traders to calculate the profit or loss from a particular trade. This calculator factors in a trader’s entry and exit price, the currency pair being traded, the number of units, the cost of spread and rollover, as well as any applicable commissions.

How do I calculate potential profits or losses?

To calculate potential profits or losses of a trading position, specify certain trade parameters (e.g., the currency pair, deposit currency, and trade size), the opening and closing price of your trade, and whether you buy or sell. (3.5 * 100,000 USD)* (0.96543 CHF per USD-0.95666 CHF per USD) = 3069.5 CHF.

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